Are you ready to step into your Soulful Power?

Your new journey is about to begin — and you get to set the course. This life is meant to be lived to the fullest and we want to give you the support, resources, and guidance to help you create meaningful change and sail into a new season of “MORE”!

Awakening the Soul of Power

Christian’s newest book, is the first in a 3-book series, Calling All Heroes. Gloria Estefan describes it as “A balm for the Soul of anyone searching for truth and answers to life’s difficult questions”.

Soul Healing Breathwork

See how this simple, yet powerful and transformative practice can help you to experience profound healing and transformation while releasing stress from your daily life.

Exotic Treks and Retreats

Treat yourself to a transformative getaway at a tranquil and breathtaking location.

Start prioritizing the relationship with You

While giving is an incredibly powerful gift in itself, many of us spend years of our lives focused on extending ourselves outward. Our precious time, energy, focus, and love go out to everything and everyone around us to keep things in motion. Yet, in this pursuit of external connections — be it in our professional endeavors, romantic relationships, or familial bonds — we may unintentionally neglect the most important relationship of all: the one with our inner selves.

The good news is, it is never too late to reclaim your power and find a sense of meaning and true purpose. It’s time to heed the call. You have come so far already, but now your Hero’s Journey is about to soar to new heights. Not only can you awaken the hero inside of you, but you can also do it in a way that allows you to create the life you’ve been craving and build healthier, stronger bonds with those around you. 

Everyone’s Self Discovery Journey is Unique

If you have been feeling “lost” or disconnected from your true self for so long, it may feel daunting to venture out into the unknown world of healing and personal transformation on your own. This is why we are humbly here to serve as a guide for you while you embark on this thrilling adventure toward freedom. Regardless of where you are in your journey — whether you have dedicated time to personal growth in the past or are just starting to listen to that voice that is longing for more — we are here to support you as you unlock your human potential and unleash your inner hero. 

While the power to change your life is already flowing inside you, having support and direction to identify blindspots and help you navigate the rough waters of self-doubt and limiting beliefs can make all the difference. You don’t need more information — it is readily available everywhere you look. What you need is transformation, and that’s what we are here to facilitate. With our variety of offerings, we’ll work with you to create a clear roadmap for progress and healing, making the journey back to your innermost self one filled with joy, ease, and forgiveness. 

Discover more about our Soulful Offerings


With our Soulful Breathwork Sessions, you are unlocking the potential to reshape long-held unhealthy patterns, tap into personal purpose, and facilitate permanent healing.

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No matter where you currently are on your path, we believe in you and your ability to unlock your full potential and awaken your inner hero with Soulful Coaching. 

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Our Soulful Retreats and Treks are life-changing journeys that will give you the chance to dive into the deeper, vastly unexplored territories of the inner self.

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Our Breathwork Facilitator Training program offers a unique transformative journey filled with personalized guidance, profound teachings, and a nurturing community.

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Upcoming Events

All of our Soulful Power programs are designed to unlock the human potential and unleash your inner hero, no matter where you are in your journey of personal transformation.

Meet Christian, the “Soul” behind Soulful Power

For over thirty years, Christian de la Huerta has been empowering individuals to unlock their inner human potential. With his extensive experience in self-development and personal transformation, Christian will help you to reclaim your power, conquer your insecurities, cultivate your dream relationship, and live a life that is filled with purpose.

The ultimate catalyst for anyone about to embark on their hero’s journey

Christian’s latest book, Awakening the Soul of Power, has been a motivator for many to get out of their comfort zones, stop playing small, and start seeing life as a gift that is meant to be lived to the fullest. Music icon Gloria Estefan found the book to be “a balm for the soul of anyone searching for truth and answers to life’s difficult questions…” 

She went on to say: “It is a rare occurrence indeed when a book not only delivers on its message but also gives you practical, straightforward and incredibly wise ways in which to apply the teachings put forth in “Awakening the Soul of Power.” I found it to be an introspective work that is a balm for the soul of anyone searching for truth and answers to life’s difficult questions and truly look forward to the rest of Christian de la Huerta’s amazing “Calling All Heroes” series. It inspired me to purchase his previous book, “Coming Out Spiritually: The Next Step”.

Grab your copy and begin your transformation today!


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